Our was blessed to get to preach on my birthday this year at Evangel Temple, please watch below and be blessed!
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Rose Auto Sales Wins Award
Our small business, Rose Auto Sales, is this year’s Silver Winner in the Used Car Dealerships divisions in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette’s Best of River Valley Awards Banquet!Thank you all for your support! - Next up is Best of the Best where we are a top 3 finalist!
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Blessed to Emcee Fundraising Banquet
WHAT AN EVENING! Really enjoyed getting to be a part of the Heart to Heart Pregnancy & Family Care Center Annual Fundraising Banquet this evening. Love working with this organization as well as our staff and board members! Extra special thanks to Candice & Lauren for all their planning and hard work!#life #fundraising #prolife
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Tiffany Continues to be Cancer FREE
😍My wife is 195 days post chemotherapy and 145 days post double mastectomy and reconstruction with no evidence of disease!
Celebrating this amazing woman today, had follow up appt after yesterday’s PET scan. Still NO CANCER, Great news after great news, doc said everything looks great! No surprise, God is great, Tiffany is great. Love you sweet wife!
#TeamTiffany #Survivor #Overcomer #cancerMonday, September 6, 2021
Sarah Sanders Rally in Fort Smith was a blast
Kids really enjoyed getting to meet her.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
It starts with obedience...
Doing great things for God in our life starts with obedience...I was reading in 1 Kings this morning about God telling Elijah to hide himself by the brook Cherith, and that he would be provided for with water and food etc.
Elijah does “according to the word of the Lord”
Then the brook runs dry, God sends him to a widow, miracles happen, then the widows son falls ill and dies, Elijah brings the son back to life! Elijah is told to confront leaders, do this, go here, say this etc....
All ultimately leading up to Elijah calling fire down from Heaven PROVING who is God. These some 800-1000 false prophets are defeated, their god is proven to be a fake and they end up being slaughtered 😵
Elijah is known for a lot, but for me this one stands out in a big way...but it all started with obedience, God told him to leave where he was (in a drought) and go to a brook to be provided for (in a unique and spectacular way).
This request did not make sense, were birds really going to bring him food??? But Elijah was obedient and God used him in a mighty way! Not just in this instance, but many others, long after Elijah has been called up to heave, his legacy lived on, as the dead bones of his prodigy, Elisha, raised a man from the dead (after the bones had been in the grave for a year)!
If we want to do great things for God, it starts with obedience, honestly, if we want to do ANYTHING right with God...it begins with obedience.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
First Responder
I receive a couple emails a week from the translators of the Passion Translation of the Bible and it has amazing encouragement, words of truth and inspiration, very specific words that I know have been 100% what I needed, or what the person I shared them with needed! This morning's email was derived from this verse, " He has not despised my cries of deep despair. He’s my first responder to my sufferings, and when I was in pain, he was there all the time and heard the cries of the afflicted." -Psalm 22:24 TPT
Here is what came next in the email and I believe there are MANY of you, who need this word today...
I feel your pain.
My precious child, you are not alone in this pain. I am here, not only to bind your broken heart, but also to carry you in your grief. I not only understand your suffering, but also share your pain. I feel it too. I am affected by the agony of those I love.
There is a difference, though. I do not dwell on pain. It has no power over me, and I am teaching you to not allow it to have power over you. If you will give me your brokenness, I will take it from you. Place it now in my hands that were pierced for you. Leave it here with me, and I will lighten your load. In exchange, I will pour out my healing balm. It is time to find me in the midst of your anguish. It is time to rest in my arms so I can breathe hope and life into you again. It is okay to feel pain, but now I want you to give it to me. It’s time to smile again. It’s time to let me heal your heart.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing mom! Your kids adore you babe and we are all blessed by how amazing you are, this past year has shown us an entirely new degree of how miraculous of a job God did when He made you! We love you and are thankful for you! (Our church honored her as Mother of the Year with the video below)
Side note, I LOVE all your new hair

I also want to say Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom! Happy Mother’s Day momma! I sure do miss you, we look forward to getting together in the near future! I love you and I’m thankful for you and how you raised me!
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Legacy Night @ Union w/ Gus Malzahn
I had the privilege of hosting our Legacy Night at Union this year.
What an amazing “Legacy Night” at Union Christian Academy! Thank you Coach Gus Malzahn and our entire leadership and development teams! GREAT NEWS COMING SOON!!!
(Update: we raised over $130k)
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Cancer Free!
Well, I get to share something I’ve been waiting on for 6 months 

We got the words from Tiffany’s oncologist today, “Complete Response” 

No more chemotherapy needed 

No radiation therapy needed at all
Her surgery went exceptionally well, direct quotes from both surgeons.
We are so thankful for all the prayers of family, friends and complete strangers! Thank you to an excellent medical team; over a dozen docs, nurses, infusion team and so many others.
Most of all, we are thankful to our God and healer. Thank you Jesus for your care and protection over Tiffany.
I just love her smile (and look at all that hair growing!) I got puffy ugly cry eyes, tears of joy!

Also, thank you to Stronghold Ministry and their care, compassion and support to Tiffany through this.
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Fighting For Sexual Integrity
We had a Powerful night in Atkins, Ar. I was blessed to bring a great message to the men on sexual integrity, pornography and purity tonight.
Then we had an amazing service with these powerful men and women of God. Thank You Bells Chapel! Powerful Night. We will visit again!!!
Friday, April 16, 2021
Cancer - Tiffany's Surgery
We are Home, Tiff put in a 12 hour day at the hospital and was in surgery for just over 7 hours. Thank you to each one of you who prayed, it had an amazing impact! Both surgeons and all nurses were over the top about how well everything went and how amazing Tiffany did. I love you babe
, your smile lights up the entire room.

(Thank you to all of her medical team for all their amazing work)
Thank you Lord for all of your blessings and your protection and care for Tiffany.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Cancer Guest Blog from My Wife
Sorry this is a little long. Several people have asked how I’m doing and where I am at in treatments lately, so I thought I would share a little of where we are at. I haven’t posted an update in awhile because we’ve pretty much just been in between treatments the last 7 weeks and waiting in limbo for what’s next, but now we finally have some direction and a plan. So here’s an update:

That was the most wonderful news to hear and an answer to prayer, but the scan did reveal two new spots that were considered *slightly* suspicious. I won’t know what they were until after surgery or if it’s gone completely from my lymph node, but I’m trusting and believing in total confidence that they will turn out to be nothing!!
I’m definitely feeling better now and more like myself than when I was on chemo. There’s still the fatigue, cloudy memory at times and normal aches and pains that will take some time to go away. I was describing my current symptoms to one of my nurses the other day and she jokingly said, “Welcome to your 60s!”
My kids think it’s hilarious to feel my “fuzz” that’s starting to grow pretty quickly on my head now, even if I do look like a newborn baby chick. It’s fun, however, to put a wig on once in awhile and watch my three year old’s eyes get big with excitement: “Mommy, your hair grew back!!” That never gets old lol!!
There’s so much more that goes into treating breast cancer than I ever could’ve imagined. I was completely clueless as to how many different kinds and treatment plans there were. The amount of information is quite overwhelming at times. Mine was thankfully caught fairly early but was still considered complex and was very fast growing in the beginning, so I’ve had a pretty aggressive treatment plan. That’s ok because cancer knows it’s not allowed to return!
I had an MRI a couple of weeks ago that showed the cancer we were treating appeared to have a complete pathological response and could not be seen on any image, Praise the Lord!!!!
I’m scheduled for surgery this Friday that I was told would likely take at least 5 hours, and I will be having multiple things done all at once. To say I’m a little nervous is an understatement since this is the part I’ve dreaded the most, but I know God has brought us this far and will continue to see us through it!! I can say without a doubt that He has been with us every step of the way and has shown us His goodness over and over. I would appreciate your prayers that there would be no complications with surgery or the long recovery, for a good pathology report to follow, and especially for my husband and family who will have the hardest job of all as caretakers.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement the last few months. They always seem to come at exactly the right times! We are truly blessed with the best friends and family!!
“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever.”
Psalms 30:11-12 NKJV