I really feel like that past 3 weeks in our class has been great. I've had the opportunity to get to know each of you better and I feel like we all have individuals already in our life who need witnessing to. What a perfect time in our lives to be learning about how to Share Jesus Without Fear.
I can't say too much about it, but next weeks class is going to be focusing on how to actually witness to individuals. This will be great content that we can put to immediate use!
I strongly encourage you to read the class workbook this week. There are 5 days worth of reading which are not very long at all, but it is great stuff that will help you increase in your confidence in witnessing and your trust in God.
God has called every Christian to be a witness by the way we live, by our attitude toward others, by the choices we make, and by our commitment to live for Jesus at any cost.
God has also called every Christian to witness by personally showing the lost people how they can be spiritually reborn.

I also want for you each to be thinking about an individual or individuals who you have the opportunity to witness to. I want us to make a commitment in prayer for them starting next week. I'm going to have each of you right there name down on a piece of paper and we are going to put those names in a box and pray over them each week. We will be praying and believing on God opening new doors for us to witness to them and for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts and minds to us in a new way. We will believe on God for a miracle to be worked in their life and in the spiritual battle over their soul.
I look forward to seeing you all at church on Sunday and in our class next Wednesday. My prayer for you is that you have new and AWESOME opportunities to Share Jesus and that you are able to overcome your fears and deliver the "Witness" God has put inside of you.
If you have friends, family, or co-workers who you think might be interested in attending our class, send them to our class page @ http://wednesdaysonpurpose.com/sjwf.html
Also please click HERE to visit our class Facebook group! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points.
I will be handing out 2,000 Class Bonus Points to each of you who comment on this week’s Blog post. Click HERE to comment on the blog, choose Anonymous for your username, and simply sign your name at the end of your comment to receive points. Feel free to share how you feel, ask questions, or suggest something for us to talk about in class!
I really liked the point in class that was brought up about how being a successful witness for Christ is not praying a sinner's prayer with someone. I think it is easy to focus more on the end result and overlook how important just planting a seed in someone's life is. Looking forward to next week!
Ryan, I have been so blessed...I was in the hospital for a week for this surgery. I slept for almost 3 days straight because I just felt terrible.
ReplyDeleteBut God used my time there to witness to 2 hospital employees...
And I know You may find this hard to believe, but my room was the talk of the hall....one other patient actually asked if we were having a party and wanted to know if we had cookies or cake cuz he would love some....You know how I like to laugh.
The Joy of the Lord is my strength, no matter what the circumstances are.
That was my witness in that moment....and God opened the door for discussion where it would be received.
Praise the Lord, I give Him all the glory.
Hey Ryan and tiff love ur class God is so awesome !! And you guys are such a blessing tonour church family ! Love amy
ReplyDeleteRyan and Tiff, love your class!!! It's so awesome and God is allready doing great things from this class and I'm happy to see what else he has in store to help share Jesus with out Fear! PLUS the cookies are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBill and I are enjoying the class so much. We didn't start until the 2nd week but WOW what a week that was for me to learn that "silence" is a sin. I had never thought of it that way.
ReplyDeleteWe both want to learn how to share our faith and this is such an awesome way to help us understand how to get over the fear that we have.
Ryan you are doing a great job and we look forward to the weeks to come.
Thanks Ryan and Tiffany and to everyone in the class for sharing what God lays on your hearts.
Bill and Dora
Since I didn't get to come on the day you put the names in the box, would I be able to put a name in this week? Also, how do I get the workbook and book?
ReplyDeleteSorry last comment was by Ruth :0)