One of the big parts of this class is prayer. We will be praying for people who are lost and don't know Christ, we will be praying for each other to be bold and confident in Christ, and we will be praying for Godly ordained opportunities to Share our faith in Jesus Christ with other people.
As we start praying these prayers we will find God dropping opportunities in our lap every day. Our job is to be ready and prepared to do what God has called us to! 2 Timothy 4:2, "Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct,
rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction." What does it mean to be prepared in and out of season? Is their a "Witnessing" season...hopefully its between hunting season and baseball season right? ....
To answer your first there isn't a witnessing season...and yes there is a witnessing there isn't a season when we shouldn't be witnessing...yes there is a season year round we should always be willing to witness. Essentially 2 Tim 4:2 says that we should always be prepared to Share Jesus Without Fear.
Ok so your second question is, "How do we stay prepared?" Very good question, let's turn to the good book for that answer. 2 Timothy 4:5, "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work
of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." and also in James 5:16 the Bible tells us that, "...the prayer of the Righteous one is Powerful and Effective" in the King James it says the Effectual and Fervent Prayer of the Righteous one Availeth Much! So what does all that mean? It means that we have to cover our ministry in prayer! These are serious and righteous prayers!

Be in deep prayer for roughly the next 2 months as we go through this class that God will grow you and give you awesome opportunities to Share your faith with others!
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points. The 3 class members with the highest point totals at the end of
the next 8 weeks will receive a free set of witnessing tools and
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ReplyDeleteThis week God opened the door for me to start witnessing to my physical therapist! Thank You Lord, for using me.
ReplyDeleteThis was Christina Seaton's Post
Deletecompletely looking forward to class again this week!!!
Can't wait to dive into the video sessions!