We just barely scratched the surface of the Holy Spirit, but I like to think that we gave you a good introduction to who the Holy Spirit is, and what His purpose is. I really enjoyed our conversation on how awesome God is in his design of what must be the most complex language ever, which is the heavenly language we sometimes hear during a message in tongues and interpretation in the church, and also in our private prayer language. One of the things we talked about is how complex our own English language is. Words like to, too, and two & for, four, and fore all sound the same but have so many different meanings. Imagine how many different meanings God could have for 1 word in His language? It is beyond our comprehension, God is so AWESOME!
This Wednesday, Brother Black will be teaching us on the Gifts of the Spirit which is going to be a GREAT class!
One of the things we talked about last week that I wanted to reiterate on the Blog was that in all things we should remember to "Test the spirits..." as 1 John 4:1-3 teaches us,

The reason for testing every spirit (a person moved or inspired by a spirit) is that "many false prophets" will enter the church. This will be especially true as tolerance for error and unbiblical teaching increases toward the end of the age. Christians are commanded to test all professed Christian teachers, writers, preachers, and prophets, and in fact any individual who claims his or her work or message comes from the Holy Spirit. Believers may never assume that a ministry or spiritual experience is from God merely because one claims it is. Furthermore, no teaching or doctrine may be accepted as true solely on the basis of success, miracles or apparent anointing. All teaching must be tested against the revelation of God's truth in scripture. The spirit of the teaching must be tested as well as its content. Does the teaching bear the same kind of spirit and emphasis as Jesus and the NT apostolic teaching? Beware of any teaching that person claims to have received from the Holy Spirit or an angel that cannot be supported by scripture. Teachers' lives must be tested as to their relation to the spirit of this age or ungodly works and to the lordship of Christ.
This testing of the Spirits is close to my heart, if we can learn to test and discern the spirits, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from erroneous and misguided, and in some cases demonic teachings!
You can click HERE for the notes on the 9 Part Test for the Genuine Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I wanted to reaffirm the importance of these parts of our class from Wednesday for you guys and gals. Also be thinking and feel free to post some questions you would like for us to discuss and teach on during one of the next couple of weeks. I'm really excited for our final class in week #7 which will be on witnessing and sharing your faith! Make sure you comment, post your yard sign in our Facebook group, and of course BRING A FRIEND! Hope to see you at church Wednesday!
Please post some comments on what you thought about last week's class and what you are looking forward to this week!
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Comment HERE Guys and Gals!
ReplyDeleteI love the reminder that we need to use God's word to measure the things that we hear and see every day. It can be too easy to absorb the conversations and music and media around us without challenging the foundation that it is coming from. This is a great gift to give to our children - the ability and knowledge to hold everything up against the word of God to see if it is durable when measured against truth.
I really enjoyed last week's class and look forward to hearing Bro. Black speak on the gifts of the Holy Spirit this week!
ReplyDeleteGifts of the Spirit...so exciting. Remember, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman, so He offers the gifts to each of us as He sees fit. We must respond by accepting the gift, not rejecting it. Can't wait to hear more input from Our Teachers and also my fellow brothets and sisters in Christ.
ReplyDeleteChristina Seaton
Last weeks class was very interesting for me and I am looking forward to tonight's class. I like the idea of open discussion and you can tell our teachers are spending a lot of researching and preparing for our class. Harold
ReplyDeleteAmen Harold!!