Click HERE to download the PDF notes from this Wednesday's class on Water Baptism!
Next week Brother Cody is going to be teaching the class on Communion! Chime in with some questions you guys have on Communion so that we can answer them in class! Also here are a few for you to be thinking about:
How often should we have communion?
What happens if I take communion with sin in my heart?
Should we take communion with grape juice or wine?
What did Christ mean when he said that the bread was his flesh and that the juice was his blood?
Are we eating Jesus flesh and drinking his blood today in communion?
What does communion call for on our part?
Guys and gals please feel free to chime in with your own answers to these questions, and ask questions of your own.
Also remember to take a picture of your yard sign in your yard and post it in the Facebook Living4Christ group, which you can get to by clicking HERE!
Also feel free when you comment below to leave comments and questions about the class in general, what you'd like to see more of etc. Thanks and God Bless, see you Wednesday if not sooner!
Click HERE to comment and make sure to leave your name in your comment so we can mark you down for points!
Drop your comments in here, we look forward to hearing from you.
ReplyDeleteTaking communion is an outward symbol of our commitment to Christ. The frequency of taking communion isn't important, as long as it doesn't become a ritual void of meaning. It is an important step for believers because it is a personal and intimate reminder of Christ's sacrifice for us. It also gives us time to pause and reflect on our life and evaluate how much like Christ we are, or are not
The bread we use is obviously not the same as in biblical time so I don's see why it matters what we use to represent Christ's blood. It is a ceremony to remember what Christ did for us. We could use anything to represent the bread and wine , just so long as we were celebrating communion. Phyllis
ReplyDeleteI think that the bread and wine or juice is significant because bread was what you read about most people eating and they only had water and wine to drink back then and Jesus says something about as often as you eat this bread and drink this wine do it in rememberance of me. That was in my opinion his way of saying in everything you do whether it be eating or whatever always be thinking of him and the sacrifices he made in order for us to have everlasting life. And that kind of goes along with keeping in an attitude of prayer where you are throughout the day talking to him and being mindful of giving thanks to him. -Jessica K.
ReplyDelete“The frequency is not so important as the reason….” I think no matter how frequently or infrequently we take communion, each of us has the capacity to fall into the trap of “going through the motions”. Whenever I take communion, I do my best to think very deeply on what I am doing and what it represents. JW Wooden
ReplyDelete#3 Grape juice "Fruit of the vine". Pure grape juice represents the perfect, pure and sinless blood of Christ (Mt. 26:28-29). It is also called the blood of God (Acts 20:28). Wine that is fermented cannot represent the pure blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fermentation produces a chemical change that increases the alcoholic content of the substance that causes intoxication. JW Wooden
ReplyDeleteGreat comments and answers guys and gals. This is the stuff we are looking for!
ReplyDeleteThe topic this week, Communion, was very emotional for me. I must share a testimony! During preop for one of my most recent surgeries, I new that the following Sunday was a Communion Sunday. I truly feel like a child waiting for Christmas morning anticipating a Communion. My surgery was going to be on the Friday before, I could get my mind off it. While laying in the preop bed, maybe even more intensely than the previous 2 days, all I could think about was I was going to miss it. And if God choose to take me then, could it be that I had had my last Communion. You see God had delivered me from the fear of surgery, and my mind was swirling around this precious moment. In hind sight, had He taken me I realize I would be in full time Communion with my Lord in Heaven. "Oh I wan't to see Him!" Thank you Lord for making me hungry!!
My Thoughts OnTaking Communion: On each occasion when we observe the Lord's Table, let us give thanks that our Savior gave thanks for us and that He was compelled by love to take up that cross. As we hold that cup close to our lips, in remembrance, may we taste and see that the Lord is good. May we think of the significance of that. We are not simply to feel or to read or to hear or to see, but to take into our very bodies the taste of our Savior's sacrifice.... Read and reread Psalm 34:8