Sharing my thoughts, experiences and passions about church ministry and life in general. More than likely what you read here will be worth what you paid for it.
Today just flew by super fast. It was a super busy day that started early and ended late, but it flew by really fast. It was a good day, I got a lot done, still have tons to do.
Tiffany and I started our first fire in our fire place tonight which is totally cool. It puts out pretty good warmth in about a 5-6 ft area. Tiffany and the cats right now are actually sleeping in front of the fire's sweet.
I set up a small sound system for a guy singing for the Gideon's dinner tonight. He was very nice, had a great voice and was very appreciative. You got to always love when people are extra appreciative.
One of our Big lights exploded during service friday so...we are going to have to replace that which is not easy or cheap...but we will make do. The Lord will provide.
A Great day today and I went 5-2 in today's chunk in my fantasy league improving to 45-22 so that is great as well. I finally will have an entire healthy team at the start of Wednesday's chunk...yay for no more injuries.
Nancy Pelosi: "But I do tell you that if the Democrats win and have substantial majorities, Congress of the United States will be more bipartisan," .....What?
Justin: "Greg, do you see that light flickering...."
Greg: "That light?"
Tiffany: "Tom Brady, He plays for the Cubs right?"
Ryan: "Wow that fire is hot"
Kevin: "Ready Camera 4 (We only have 3 cameras)"
Below is what I want for Christmas! For all of you who are looking.
Well today I got to go back to the University of the Ozarks for a Board of Directors meeting, it was good. Got to debate and vote and some other cool stuff. I really enjoy being on the board. Ozarks is one awesome university and that is all there is to it.
I am tired tired tired but that is ok. I am about to get online and kill some terrorists with Greg so that should be fun.
I am starting to get excited about the election and gas prices, other than that it has pretty much been a normal Saturday.
Tomorrow is a big day at church so let's pray that God's will be done.
Have a good tomorrow!
Reba: "Ryan, here are the keys, take the Go-Kart!"
Tiffany: "Squash Fritters!"
Joe Biden: "Our economic policy is based on one three letter word...J-O-B-S...Jobs"
She got stuck in the next door neighbor's garage, I went in and rescued her this morning, she was so happy to see me...or maybe it was simply the prospect of our warm bed and some food and water...I don't know...but we can pretend it was the site of the crack of dawn...eek what a site!
So anyways that was great we were losing sleep over it...literally.
Today I finished moving my office to our upgrade, that was a fun process....moving stinks, and rehooking up and editing suite stinks even more...I doubt rehooking is really a word.
Long story short I got the editing computer up and running, still have some things to take care of before it is finalized...but we are pretty much "IN" our new office to come sometime soon. WOOT!!
We have a banquette tonight at the church for Teen Challenge so that should be an awesome event, I am dressed up which is always fun as well.
Well today was a long day, but good as Lilly was recovered.
Here are some random quotes to feed your hunger, and a video of cats in honor of Lilly's return.
Bridgette: "Did you say you barely had your pants on."
Jason: "I am not even going to tell you what I almost said."
Tiffany: "I want a bread stick"
Ryan: "Ok, I got a deal of the life time for you, I will trade you my bookshelf and sofa for your Michael: "No, way. I like to sit their in the morning and read my Bible." Ryan: "What do you do...lay back and kick your feet up on some rope lights?" Bridgette: "Ha ha...rope lights."
Rev. Ryan & Tiffany Rose serve as the Associate Pastors at Evangel Temple in Fort Smith. They serve the ministries of the church and have a passion to equip leaders to reach new heights. They also own their own small business, Rose Auto Sales.