Thursday, December 28, 2017

Baby Juliana Grace 12.28.17

Beautiful Baby Juliana Grace Rose was Born at 8:55 pm 12/28/17 weighing in at 7 lbs 3 oz and measured 18.25 inches long
Baby and momma are healthy and doing well!
Thanking the Lord for all our blessings!

“From the fullness of grace we have received one blessing after another” – John 1:16

Juliana has been a sweet beautiful girl all day and she got to meet her brother & sister last night and spend time with Tiff’s parents and her Auntie Amy Snell. The kids love their little sister and so does everyone else. Thanks to all our friends and family for all of the encouragement and kind words! Extra special thanks to Josh Wooden for bringing dinner last night AND lunch today! Thanks to our pastors Clint Lori Trentham and MaKayla Trentham for stopping in and for our good friend Pastor Lee Denton for coming to check in on us today!
We are headed home! Baby Juliana and momma Tiffany are doing great! Thanks to Justin-Amy Farquhar and Clint LoriTrenthamMaKayla and Alexis for stopping by!

We are head over heels in love with this girl!


Monday, November 6, 2017

Thoughts: Sutherland Springs Shooting

"He was 'crazy' 'creepy' 'weird'"
'He was always talking about how people who believe in God were stupid and trying to preach his atheism'
"He was super negative all the time"
"He was an outcast, loner"
"Always creeped me out and was different"
"I deleted him off Facebook because I couldn't stand his posts"
These are the things people are saying about Devin Patrick Kelley, the shooter at Sutherland Springs, Baptist Church. It is the typical stuff we hear about shooters or killers after events like this, he was a freak, he was a loner, I couldn't stand him, he was weird, a loner etc.
Where is the church in this man’s life? I’m not blaming any one church, and I’m not talking about just this man, but the entire church across this country, and to any man or woman that is an outcast, a loner, bizarre, depressed, angry, hurt, broken, a person filled with rage and bitterness from a lifetime of pain, abuse, loneliness, neglect and reject. Where are we at in the lives of these people? How many have people in our past and present that we would describe as “weird” “crazy” “different,” how many people out there have we deleted from our social network or our real life network because they said things we didn’t like or didn’t agree with, maybe they offended us with their words, or their beliefs or values push us away, when we full well know they come from a lifetime of being an outcast, a loner, a reject, of being unaccepted by all people, except maybe those with the exact same struggles, pains and heartaches.
This shooting is a horrible, tragic loss and waste of life, is it possible it could’ve been prevented, we will never know for sure, but the time for that is gone, but now at our disposal, is the present, the shootings, the violence, the suicides, the rejection that we can help avoid by being the light in the dark for those during their hardest times, or to help prevent them from falling on their hardest times. Jesus went after the outcasts, in John 4:9, we see where He went and spoke to a Samaritan woman, “9 The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.” She is saying, I’m an outcast, you are a Rabbi, a Priest, a Pastor, a religious person, you can’t spend time talking to me, you can’t be seen with me, I’m a social outcast, I’m a outcast because of my race, I’m an outcast because of my beliefs, I’m an outcast in every way imaginable, you can’t talk with me!!!! What are you doing Jesus?
What was Jesus doing? This was going to ruin his reputation, people were going to talk, they would call him weird, crazy, creepy, this wasn’t the norm, these outcasts aren’t the people we religious people talk to. They have problems, they come from questionable backgrounds, they don’t dress like we do, they don’t talk like we do, they sure as heck don’t believe what we do, and they might get upset with me, they might argue with me, they may say something that I don’t have a good response to. What if they challenge me in my faith and I don’t have the answer. It would just be a lot easier if I stuck with the people who look like me, came from the same background that I do, have the same beliefs that I do. It would be a lot easier if we just talked about how those “outcasts” really need to find Jesus and then when they die, kill themselves or kill someone else we can sit back and say, “boy, see, I always said that he was nuts” “yeah she was crazy, her hair was black, she always wore black, and she said Christians were dumb and hateful” THEY ARE RIGHT SO MUCH MORE OFTEN THEN WE WANT TO ADMIT, we Christians are so DUMB and HATEFUL and FULL OF OURSELVES. Jesus spells it out clearly for us in the New Testament, go to these people, show them the love of Christ, don’t beat them over the head with your theology and religiosity, be someone that can say, “you have value” “you don’t have to be alone” “you are loved, you don’t have to be an outcast” “let me tell you about a man who died for you and everyone like you!”
Show the love of Christ to those people that aren’t like you, WHO CARES what someone might say about you, WHO CARES how it might be out of your comfort zone, WHO CARES how it might inconvenience you, you may be the only person standing between them and their death, the deaths of others, or a lifetime of pain, depression and loneliness, isn’t it worth your time and effort to be a difference maker in their life? When Jesus was asked why he spent time with the “outcasts” of society in Mark 2, he was quick to say this, “ 17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”” We are all sinners, let me lay that out right here and now, the Christians aren’t perfect and the outcasts and the broken are not the only ones with problems and they are not the only ones making mistakes. Jesus came to call those who are hurting, broken and lost. 
James H. Aughey, a minister that was tortured, beaten and condemned to death by the confederates during the civil war for his pro-union beliefs hit the nail on the head for where we as the church should be during times such as now “The church is not a select circle of the immaculate, but a home where the outcast may come in. It is not a palace with gate attendants and challenging sentinels along the entrance-ways holding off at arm’s-length the stranger, but rather a hospital where the broken-hearted may be healed, and where all the weary and troubled may find rest and take counsel together.” 
We need to stop, NOW, with church being an elite social club for the perfectly dressed, eloquent speaking, well raised, problem free people. Each one of us is guilty of ignoring the brokenhearted, the outcasts, the weird, crazy, creepy loners, each one of us that call God our father, in our darkest, saddest, neediest moments have the fortunate ability to call on the name of Jesus and ask for help that surpasses all understanding, we have the knowledge that he loves us, that he died for us and that he will always be there for us. Don’t you think someone that is in a deeper, darker, more horrible place than you would like to hear that news? And don’t just tell it to them, show it to them. A friend of mine took their own life a few months back, it pains me every time I think about it, what else could I have done, why didn’t I do the things I knew I should’ve done, that will follow me around forever, what else can we be doing today, what else should we be doing today, that we already know we should be doing. Have no regrets when it comes to reaching out to someone in need. Be the difference, this world needs it, let people call us weird, crazy and creepy because our passion to reach those who need reaching surpasses their cultural understanding, like Jesus with the Samaritans, sinners and tax collectors. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Fishers of Men Devotion

Fishers of Men Devotion:(07/05/2017) 
Associate Pastor Ryan Rose Calvary Assembly of God Fort Smith, Arkansas 

If you enjoyed this devotion, or if you feel it would impact someone's life, would you please click the (share) or [like] button on this video today? Thank you friends, God Bless.

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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Jesus...Worshipped or Whipped?

Read this today, had to share, "As the gospel’s story unfolds, we notice that Jesus was either worshiped or whipped, followed or flogged, crowned or crucified. The presence of Jesus elicits both responses. While hundreds of people thronged towards him in Galilee and Judea, his hometown people in Nazareth attempted to throw him off the cliff to kill him."

Which side of the fence are you on?

Monday, May 15, 2017

Step Into The Harvest

I've taken a little bit of an unplanned hiatus from writing blogs the past 2 years. I don't know if its due to business or social media cutting in on my blog writing, but whatever the cause, I'm attempting to make a comeback. I've never had much of a following, but I find great joy in putting my thoughts "out there," if anything, I can go back after a while and re-analyze what was going through my mind at a given time. I do hope, as I get back in to posting regular content, that you can find some encouragement through these posts.

I have an itch that needs scratching you might say. I recently had a friend take his own life, and it makes you evaluate everything you ever said or did to them as well as everything you didn't say and didn't do, I'm sure that I'll share more about this experience as time progresses, but for now, I just wanted to encourage you with what I think is so important for the times we live in.

As believers, it is our responsibility to show the love of Christ and share our faith with family, friends, co-workers, strangers and certainly those who are in need. Often times we find it difficult for varying reasons; lack of confidence, confusion, fear of failing, doubt in our own abilities due to comparison to someone we feel is far beyond our level or any number of other reasons. Whatever the rationale, we (me included) often shy away from sharing our faith and loving on others as we should. I'm here to encourage you, it doesn't matter how good that other person may be at sharing, or how inexperienced you might be, there are people in every aspect of your life that are hurting, lonely, lost, depressed and overcome with burdens we don't have the first clue about. Be someone they can hear some kind words from, a pat on the back, a hug around the neck, someone that brings a prayer they never expected.

I don't care what stage of their life they are in, I don't care if they've never heard the gospel before or if they are a seasoned 50 year veteran of Christianity, it is our responsibility to share the love of Christ, freely, as it is freely given to us.

I wanted to share this verse, "5 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. 6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building." - 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 (NIV) 

Whatever it is that they might be going through, you might be the very person that makes it a little more bearable, might just help them get up the next morning, and maybe they want to spend more time with you, visit your church, have a coffee together, or it could turn into a long term valuable friendship for both sides. You never know what part of the plan you are playing, so be there for people in general, show the love of Christ, share your faith; Love God & Love People...

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In Christ,


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Don't Do Life Alone

Emotional post, don't even know where to start other than saying I don't want to see this happen to anyone ever again, but a friend of mine took their own life last night, and it's a terrible, horrible, sad, overwhelming, tragic thing. 

I usually have words, thoughts, scripture, advice for people in most situations, but that has hit me like a million bricks on my head, I've only been able to actually say it out loud once and I swear it was almost impossible. I feel terrible for him, his family, his friends, I struggle with "is there anything I could've done or said to have prevented this" and a whole laundry list of other emotions and questions, its terrible, but this post isn't about me, it's about you. 

What I want to make sure my friends understand is that if you need someone to talk to or you need someone at your side, I'm here, call, text, message or whatever you need from me, any time, it's A ok, I won't ever be upset by a late call or text from a friend in need. You don't need to take your life, there are people who care and are willing to be there to help you. And I know it might go beyond what someone like me or another friend can offer as help, but we can be by your side as you get whatever kind of help you need. I've got tons more I want to say, but I don't even know how to word it, but know that you are loved, not just by friends or family, but by a Heavenly Father also who's love knows no bounds, He knew you before he formed you and he numbered the hairs on your head. No matter how bad things get, tomorrow is a new day and me and other friends like me in your life are there for you. 

If you need to talk to someone you don't know, there are resources available to you. You're not alone. Confidential help is available for free. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 Available 24 hours everyday 

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all;” - ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:18-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬
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