Thursday, September 18, 2014

5 Questions to Ask When Reading the Bible

I'm re-posting this blog post I read today, it was totally on point. Let's read God's Word intentionally and be aware of what it's communicating!

How exactly does the Bible—an ancient book written thousands of years ago—reveal God’s way to people today? There are several key questions we must ask, the answers to which reveal to us the way. Here they are:

1. Is there a command to obey?

The Bible is filled with divine commands for you and me to obey. There is no question what God’s will is in these areas. Our obedience to His commandments leads us precisely into the center of His will.

Click HERE to read more

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When God Messes With Your Life Plan

We all go through hard times in our life, some more so than others. We don't always know why, and if God loves us, why do these things happen? The ultimate thing is, if we truly and wholeheartedly trust God...then we must trust God.

He Knows Exactly What He’s Doing

The moral of the story? God really, truly knows what he is doing. He usually takes longer than we would like. He often leads us through strange territory. Sometimes he defers, or even destroys, our dreams. But God, our loving, tender, delightful Father, knows exactly what he is doing. He is accomplishing more in you and through you than you could ever think or imagine.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Are You A Christian? Are You?

"Christian" - What does that even me? I've always taught that it meant "Christ-Like" and that is what we should strive to be as believers in Jesus. But it means so much more. If you really want to know the with caution.

"And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

- Acts 11:26

The word "Christian" shows up only 3 times in the entire New Testament. It was originally a term used to describe a servant and follower of Christ. Today it has become a general term devoid of the original meaning.