Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When God Messes With Your Life Plan

We all go through hard times in our life, some more so than others. We don't always know why, and if God loves us, why do these things happen? The ultimate thing is, if we truly and wholeheartedly trust God...then we must trust God.

He Knows Exactly What He’s Doing

The moral of the story? God really, truly knows what he is doing. He usually takes longer than we would like. He often leads us through strange territory. Sometimes he defers, or even destroys, our dreams. But God, our loving, tender, delightful Father, knows exactly what he is doing. He is accomplishing more in you and through you than you could ever think or imagine.

Are you in a place you never expected to be? Has God taken you on a path you never would have willfully chosen? Take heart. God hasn’t deserted you. He hasn’t forgotten you. He hasn’t made a mistake. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows exactly what you need and where you need to be.

The truth is, God’s life plan is always better than our own.

The bulk of this post is from a blog I follow, to read the entire blog (which you should) visit the link HERE

Another clip of some worship that's been helping me get through the week:


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