Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Meal at Evangel Temple

FORT SMITH, Ark. (KFTA) — Each year, Evangel Temple in Fort Smith hosts a Christmas lunch aimed at feeding the homeless community. The church has been doing it for 31 years.
“They know that we are giving back during this Christmas season, and we truly believe that Christmas is about Christ,” said Ryan Rose, Evangel’s associate pastor. “There’s a lot of people who didn’t go to a Christmas party this year, a lot of people who aren’t spending Christmas with family, a lot of people not celebrating.”
Rose said around 300 people came and enjoyed a traditional Christmas meal this year. The lunch was hosted in the church’s gymnasium, where kids also got to meet Santa Clause. He sat in a chair near the front and talked to nearly 50 kids. Read the entire story HERE, or watch the video below.

Friday, December 13, 2019

God is Jealous FOR you!

Exodus 34:14 says, “For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:” 

A lot of times people miss the meaning of Jealous here. God is not being selfish or paranoid as man can be. He is passionate about His relationship with you and fights to keep it. 

God confronts anything that will destroy that relationship or His people. That’s the God who loves you and fights for you, you just need to let Him in...

Friday, November 1, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sin Always Leads to More Sin

Was doing some studying this morning and what stood out to me today is that Sin always leads to more sin. If you are doing something and you know it is wrong and you are convincing yourself that its just a one time thing or that it won't go any further, you're wrong. Jesus said in John 8:34, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin."
When we commit it, we become a slave to it.This is why just a few verses earlier we see Jesus encouraging a woman to go forward and sin no more. Continuing in sin is never the right answer, Go and sin no more.
Ask God to forgive you, accept Jesus into your heart and live for him today. Will you make mistakes? Yes, we all do! But don't convince yourself that wrong is right and certainly don't convince yourself that it doesn't matter, your actions may have eternal consequences, not just momentary ones.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Remembering September 11th, 2001

God Bless America! 
The USS New York is a battleship that was made with steel from the World Trade Center. 
The moral of the story: The enemy may try to destroy you, but no weapon formed against you will prosper. 
Keep fighting the good fight.....

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Wisdom is a Process

Wisdom is a process, and one that shouldn’t stop. I’m thankful for friends and leaders possessing compassion and wisdom. God will send us wisdom in more ways than we can anticipate when we ask. 
We need to pursue God when seeking wisdom, James 1:5 tells us that if you ask for wisdom, God will give it generously without finding fault: 
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” 

God may drop wisdom right inside of you, or allow you to gain it through experiences and still yet, he may surround you with wise counselors to encourage you and advise you from their experiences. When you need wisdom, chase after God and he will bring it to you.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Friday, May 31, 2019

Rose Leads Shelter Efforts During Historic Flood

In response to the historic flooding along the Arkansas River, it’s all hands on deck for local shelters, including Evangel Temple in Fort Smith. 

Over 70 people stayed overnight at the Red Cross shelter because their homes are underwater. 

Evangel Temple’s Associate Pastor, Ryan Rose, said they have been housing displaced people for seven days, and each day they have been taking in more people. 

With more people, comes more food and Rose said the shelter serves two meals at a time three times a day. 
“The Salvation Army is the arm that is taking care of the foods,” Rose said. 
With the help of Red Cross, which runs the operation, the church contributes in other ways. 
“We aim to be the hands and feed of Christ. We want to do anything and everything to help people in their time of need,” Rose said. 
This anything and everything? Includes a hot shower. 
“They are just providing a basic need that we take for granted,” Rose said. 
The shelter sees between 75 and 100 people in and out throughout the day, Rose said there is still room to take in more. 
“Right now we are open if people have a need in the Arkansas River Valley, Oklahoma side of the border, Van Buren side of the river — anyone and everyone is welcome,” Rose said. 
There is not a set date for the shelter to close and will continue to provide shelter and security as the storms continue. 
For more information or to donate to the shelter, click here. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Being Relational, Not Confrontational

We live in a culture that is much more relationally needy than we realize, so much is done over the phone, texting, social media, snap, insta and so on, personal face to face communication is not only shrinking, but isn’t even necessary for so many things that it used to be needed for, like pumping gas, Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, or any of the dozens of ways we can now shop online, grocery pick up and so on. 

So when you actually have a face to face conversation with someone, it is more impactful than it used to be, it is more rare, and any face to face interaction of substance is a great opportunity to really pour into the life of someone, but as followers of Christ many times when we want to share our faith, we fail on one of two fronts. We either shy away from sharing OR we say a lot of dogmatic stuff mixed with insider church language, we get offended and walk away puffed up. People in today’s culture don’t want another IN YOUR FACE convo where a Christian walks away feeling proud because they think they proved a point. What is that even accomplishing? The Bible doesn’t need us to begrudgingly defend it, it is self-attesting, it stands up for itself. 

We have to find ways to cross the cultural divide between those who follow Jesus and those who don’t, those who are in the church and those who aren’t. Matthew 22:39 says, “…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 7:12 says, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” 

We need to be mindful that we live in a contemporary wilderness, we need to take in the cultural perspectives of those we are talking with. What has happened to them? What has shaped their world view? Why do they believe the way they do? When someone tells you that they don’t believe in God, try and find the root of that, don’t just say, “Well you are wrong, now get over it.” Discover where they are coming from and how you can help lead them to Christ and what God is doing in their life.

Only about a third of our population regularly attend church, we can’t throw out pithy spiritual platitudes and use insider church language to try and explain why somebody should come visit our church or accept Christ. We need to be relational with the gospel not confrontational. 

Don’t try and convince someone to fix everything about themselves and then invite them to church, they can come just as they are, God accepted you as you were, and like a piece of clay, he began molding you and molding you and molding you, into the wonderful person you are today. We need contemporary believers and leaders who, like the men of Issachar (1 Chron 12:32), understood the times in which they lived and engaged culture with hard-hitting truth delivered with grace and humility.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

160+ Arrested - SuperBowl Trafficking Sting

#BREAKING 18 survivors FREED and 169 traffickers arrested in Atlanta after #SuperBowl LIII weekend!
A total of 169 traffickers were arrested during an 11-day, FBI-led human trafficking operation in Atlanta.
The operation included more than 25 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and District Attorney’s Offices, along with seven non-government organizations.

The operation kicked off January 23, with the goal to raise awareness about slavery by proactively addressing the sex-trafficking acts that take place during the Super Bowl and the events leading up to it.

Tonight, 18 more survivors are FREE.
Full story:

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Jesus, A Barrier Breaking Savior

I worship a savior, Jesus, that started a worship revolution by blasting through gender, racial and ethical barriers. 

We Christians could learn a thing or two from how Jesus interacted with the Samaritan woman at the well, an individual from a gender viewed culturally as lesser, from a mixed race perceived to be untouchable, living in an immoral situation between husbands & boyfriends. 

But Jesus invited her to become a worshipper of God...Who did you stick your nose up at this week?

Friday, January 18, 2019

Bible Cross-References

This is such an amazing display of God's Word. A friend of mine shared this online, and the original posting is linked below. 

This is a graphical representation of the Bible’s cross- references. The bar graph along the bottom represents all of the chapters in the Bible, with number of verses represented by length. (See Psalm 119!?). Books alternate in color. Each of the Bible’s 63,779 cross references is represented by an arc. The color of the arc reflects the distance between the two chapters. It’s easy to see… the end was known from the beginning, and the beginning is reflected in the end. The threads of God’s tapestry weave it all together.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Don't Let Discouragement Get You Down

There will always, and I mean ALWAYS, be people who tell you that you aren’t good enough, they will belittle you, overlook you and talk down to you. They are not who holds the keys to your future, they are not who has called you and equipped you for such a time as this. Seeking wise counsel is valuable, but don’t listen to everyone who gives you their “expert” opinion. When God lays something on your heart, follow His lead and allow Him to guide you through this thing until completion. 

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” 
- Galatians‬ ‭6:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Prayer is a Radical Act...

I was reading on prayer this afternoon and could not get past this powerful quote from theologian Henri Nouwen who said, 

"We want to move closer to God, the source and goal of our existence, but at the same time we realize that the closer we come to God the stronger will be His demand to let go of the many "safe" structures we have built around ourselves. Prayer is such a radical act because it requires us to criticize our world's way of being in the world, to lay down our old selves and accept our new self, which is Christ... prayer therefore is the act of dying to all that we consider to be our own and of being born to a new existence which is not of this world."

This certainly puts our "shopping list" and "symptom manipulation" prayers into a new light...

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Take Courage, There is a Yes in our hearts!

This is a powerful time of worship that I cannot stop listening to, just had to share with anyone who stopped by to read today's post, btw, Happy New Year!

This is “Take Courage” from the album “Every Nation” from Lindy Conant! We are living in days of great harvest and outpouring! As you listen to this song, I am praying that you are FILLED with courage for what God is doing all across the earth! Lift up your voice! Jesus is alive!