Monday, January 23, 2012

What is the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit?"

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is our topic for this week. For those of you who missed this past week, our topic was "Communion." Click HERE to view the notes from the class! I'm really hoping that we have a good turnout this week, all three teachers are going to be teaching on this topic, but we are also looking forward to lots of interaction. The Holy Spirit is a great topic for discussion.

Here are a few of the things we are going to be talking about:

1. Is Speaking in tongues a "phenomenon" that belonged only in the apostolic (time of the Apostles) period?

2. Is there a danger that people will seek for tongues rather than the actual baptism in the Holy Spirit?

3. If people speak in tongues, will there not be temptation to have spiritual pride?

4.What about truly born-again people who have accomplished great things for the Lord but do not speak in tongues?

5. Do you have to speak in tongues in order to be "Baptized" in the Holy Spirit?

6. If I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, then I backslid, and have now rededicated my life, do I need to get baptized in the Holy Spirit again?

7. How do I know if I'm really speaking in tongues or just babbling things from my mind?

8. What's the difference in speaking in tongues, praying in tongues, message in tongues, and interpretation of a message in tongues?

9. What are gifts of the Spirit? 

10. What is the difference in being filled with the Spirit and Baptized in the Holy Spirit?

Like I said, there is going to be lots of discussion and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Please if you guys have any comments on the topics up above, or questions of your own, please post them in the comments section.

Also remember if you haven't yet, take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose yard sign and either post it in our Facebook group HERE or bring the picture with you to class on Wednesday.

Also make sure that you are active in inviting new people to WednesdaysOnPurpose, send them to our website:

We look forward to seeing you all Wednesday night! Click HERE to make a comment!



  1. I will admit, at first I prayed specifically for the gift of "speaking in tounges". I was not seek the Holy Spirit correctly, I thought more of the gift itself than the relationship I was meant to be searching for.

  2. I am so excited about our Wed night studies. Thank each of you for taking time to teach us and helping us grow in the Lord!
    Don't miss it folks, we are truly being blessed!

  3. Oh Gosh!!!! I remember when I was a very young teen, the older ladies of the church wanted to pray the Holy Spirit into me. They would grab hold and start shaking me and some would command (loudly) "Let it out, Let it out" and others would be saying "Hold it in!" LOL!! Quite overwhelming : )

    When I did get filled with the Holy Spirit it was unexpected and very quiet and sweet, in a moment when I was in need of great comfort and direction in my life. Much better than my earlier (fears) and expectations....!

  4. I had a similar experience when I wanted the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
    It wasn't until I was an adult that I experienced this gift and it happened as I was
    Driving over the Arkansas river bridge. I took the Rogers exit and drove into the
    Michael's parking lot, locked my
    doors, and bowed on my knees to continue
    That sweet time of prayer. I will never forget that precious moment in my life when God filled me
    With His Spirit and I spoke in a language I didn't understand, but felt great peace and comfort.

  5. We look forward to each Wed night, can't wait to hear the lesson and all the feedback, learning so much and getting to fellowship in smaller groups with our Pastors and Church family. we just can't wait to get to class each Wed...These classes are a blessing to us... Thank You Pastors, we appreciate each of you...Charlie & Betty James

  6. Im looking forward to the class...

  7. Thank you guys so much for your comments, we are looking forward to the class as well!

  8. #9 1 Corinthians 12:7-11

    1. Word of knowledge
    2. Word of wisdom
    3. Gift of prophecy
    4. Gift of faith
    5. gift of healings
    6. Working of miracles
    7. Discerning of spirits
    8. Different kinds of tongues
    9. Interpretation of tongues
    JW Wooden

  9. I have been looking forward to our class tonight. Each topic so far have been interesting and I feel like each night when class was over I left well informed. Tonight's class will be interesting for me. Keep up the great work! Harold

  10. Awesome class tonight!! I can't wait for next week! Gifts of the Spirit! Wahoo!!
    Christina Seaton

  11. Great teaching and discussions on the Holy Spirt, much needed in the days and times we live in, looking forward to tonights class.Awesome job Ryan,Cody,and Bro Black.
