Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Being Obedient to Share Jesus!

I want you to be thinking about the individuals in your life, that you know need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  

This can be a family member, a close friend, co-worker, neighbor, enemy..., I want you to think about these individuals and the role that you can play in their lives if you choose to stand firm in your faith and Share Jesus with them. These people need to be told about the Gospel, they need someone to listen to them, they need someone to want to build a relationship with them, ultimately they need someone to care. That someone is you, you have the knowledge and the wisdom, you have all that you need with God's help. We just have to do our duty and trust in God for the results.

This week we are going to talk about trusting in God and not allowing what we "think" get in the way of our witnessing to an individual. We are going to learn to ignore all the reasons we can think of for why someone won't accept Christ, or why no matter what we do they won't listen.
We are going to hear testimony of an individual who seemed like the most unlikely person to accept Christ, and how the persistent work of several paid off!

Have you been struggling the past month or so with having confidence and faith that your witnessing to someone will do any good? If you have been you really need to make sure to be here this week in class. We have already learned that no matter what, when we share the Word of God with an individual we can't fail, Isaiah 55:11 tells us that God's word does not return to him void. This week we will learn even more about the impact our witnessing has on an individual. I strongly encourage you to be here!

Here are the notes from last week:

Let the Bible Speak - 7 Scriptures to share when Witnessing!

1. Romans 3:23
2. Romans 6:23
3. John 3:3
4. John 14:6
5. Romans 10:9-11
6. 2 Corinthians 5:15

7. Revelation 3:20!  Five Question that Lead to a Point of Decision
Are you a sinner?
2. Do you want forgiveness for your sins?
3. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for you and rose again?
4. Are you willing to surrender your life to Christ?
5. Are you ready to ask Jesus into your life and into your heart?

If you have a facebook account please feel free to visit and join our facebook group HERE! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points. The 3 class members with the highest point totals at the end of the next 8 weeks will receive a free set of witnessing tools and materials!

If you want to comment on the blog to earn your bonus points you can click right HERE, make sure to sign your name in your comment!

Make sure you visit our 2 main websites: www.WednesdaysonPurpose.com & www.ButterfieldAG.com to stay up to date with whats going on at the church and WednesdaysOnPurpose!


  1. I was able to go spend the night with a cousin that's going through a divorce. He has been saved but he has since turned from the Lord in this time of struggle. At one point we Sat in silence for about 3 hours. He knows I love him enough to be willing to just set with him, and because he already knows the love of God, he's gonna find his way back to the feet of Jesus.

  2. hate to miss class this week..... am reading along in the book. Great teaching!!

  3. Ryan, If I bring "HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN FROM ARKANSAS" tracks for everyone, do I get extra points. Dorothy

  4. Looking forward to class tomorrow night, I was afraid I was going to have to miss it. Jim's surgery went great the Lord was with him and the surgeon. We got home today about 3:30 and Jim is feeling a little sore but other wise doing OK. We are both thank you for all your prayers. Dorothy and Jim
