Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Starting a New Study: The Dark Side

Looking forward to starting my new small group series at Calvary Assembly of God tonight, feel free to join me if you can make it! We will be diving right into, "The Dark Side." Evil is no illusion, and while it can certainly hangout in the hearts of people, the worst kinds of evil is most clearly seen in the one who seeks to inspire it: Satan. Whenever we engage in spiritual battle, whether our struggle is with demons, the paranormal, or fear, we need to pray and express our faith in the One with all the power. Only prayer moves us from relying on our own strengths (which are actually weaknesses) and trusting the all-powerful God. He provides us with spiritual armor and a battle plan because He desires to set us free. God has the power to do so, and Satan has already been defeated.

Here are some of the topics we will be discussing in the coming weeks and some scriptural backdrop for each; Satan (Revelation 12:7-12), Demons (Mark 9:17-29), The Paranormal (Deuteronomy 18:9-18), Fear Not! (1 John 4:1-6), Battle Armor (Ephesians 6:10-20) and Battle Plan (Matthew 4:1-10) among others.

Feel free to join us for our pre-service meal tonight at 6:30 p.m. - Chili Dogs or Frito Chili pies along with all the trimmings, hope to see you there! Please feel free to hop onto our website if you'd like to know more about Calvary at www.CalvaryFortSmith.com


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