Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Planting a Seed, Watering it & Harvesting it...

We are gearing up for the final two weeks of our class. I've got a special surprise to talk about in class this week too! I think you are really going to be excited!

What I wanted to talk about today is a basic summary of the witnessing process and the roles that we play.

We've talked a great deal about the fact that just because someone doesn't accept Christ when you minister to them it doesn't mean you are a failure. If there is anything we have learned in this class, its that we can't fail when we witness to someone.
"11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
   It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
   and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11

When we share the Word of God with individuals it starts a work, continues a work, or finishes a work within the individual. Faith comes by hearing, and Hearing by the Word of GOD!
We can directly play 1 of 3 roles in an individuals salvation process:We can Plant a Seed
We can Water a Seed
We can Harvest that Seed

What does all that mean? When we play the role of the "seed planter", we are one of the first, if not the first person in an individual's life to share with them about Jesus. We may be the first and only representation of Jesus they have ever really encountered. Many times they are intrigued and are excited to learn more. Other times they can be offended and angry at you. On some occasions a person might just have no real interest either way. But when we take the time to start and build a relationship with a lost person and share all the amazing things God has done for us, share about Christ's sacrifice, and help them to read and understand Scriptures like Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23 we are planting the seed of God's word deep in their hearts. The word that we share with them doesn't come back to God empty, it starts a work in them.

When we play the role of the "One who Waters the Seed" we are picking up where somebody has left off. Sometimes that's good and you can capitalize on a great work that has been started in someone's life. On some rare occasions you may have to repair damage that has been done in the witnessing process, even apologizing on the behalf of other Christians that have offended the person you are witnessing to. The watering process is awesome, just like with a plant. The roots are starting to grow and the individual is starting to grasp the concepts of Christianity and what Christ's sacrifice really meant. Often times they are very hungry for God's word and want to hear much more about the Christian Walk. At this point in a witnessing experience you are priming the individual to burst through the top level of dirt and bloom into a brand new Child of God.

When God chooses to bless us with the opportunity to be the "Harvester" we have the opportunity to lead individuals to the Lord in what we have come to know as a "Sinner's Prayer." Remember to keep it simple and make sure that they say that they confess they are a sinner, ask for forgiveness, recognize Christ's sacrifice, and that He is their Lord and Savior, and that they give their life to Him. As they repeat the words of the prayer they are becoming born again believers in the Lord! No more awesome of an experience in life exists. We must always be sincere and careful at this point in our witness, don't rush it, and don't trick people into accepting Christ. Someone repeating a prayer they don't understand does nobody any good. Be constant in prayer and study, as the Bible tells us, be prepared in season and out of season to do the ministry God has commanded us to do in the Great commission.

Matthew 9:37 says, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few..." What does that scripture say to you? It says that their are tons of souls waiting to hear about Jesus. They are waiting for you to share with them as Jesus commanded us to do. Go into all the world and preach the Gospel, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. We are to be obedient to God, and he commands us to share our faith. Don't commit the sin of silence. Tell people about what Jesus has done, is doing, and is going to do. 

Don't be ashamed of your God! Be proud because of how awesome, loving, and caring he is!

I look forward to seeing you in class.

If you have friends, family, or co-workers who you think might be interested in attending our class, send them to our class page @ http://wednesdaysonpurpose.com/sjwf.html

Also please click HERE to visit our class Facebook group! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points.

Make sure to comment on the Blog by clicking HERE, choose anonymous when posting your comment and just sign your name at end of your comment.


  1. Great explanation of the different roles we play in witnessing! Some seeds take longer than others to harvest.

  2. God is so awesome how he works he gas placed several more people in r lives since we have started this class and it has been an amazin blessing and opportunity to be able to share God and plant seeds n people's lives!! God BLess y'all love Justin and amy

  3. This class helps remind me that it is not me that will save the person but it is the Holy Spirit. I've never thought I had the power to save I just mean that I would think I have to do everything right in witnessing and to actually see the person come to Lord in person or I would fail. So I would always fall short because of the fear of not being able to see it all the way through. But the awesome part is God can use just a word or action from us to plant the seed, water it or even be the one praying with someone to receive His saving grace. I think that is why in this class Bill Fay continually says if someone says they saved a person then they weren't saved. We have to be reminded not to get caught up in ourselves but to rely on the Holy Spirit to work through us.

    God is good all the time, all the time God is good!


  4. I feel like I missed out on so much! I can't wait to come this Wednesday. I'm glad I read this weeks blog because there was a time a became discouraged while witnessing. When I first started, the first couple of people responded well. After the first couple of people, the others would just blow me off or get angry. I felt like I wasn't doing the right thing or not really hearing what God wanted me to say, or even following what I wanted to say instead of what God wanted to say. Now I know that I was probably sowing or watering the seed. Thank you for the uplifting message!-Ruth

  5. Wow what a night of sharing with the folks at Riverview Trailpark. Pastor Ryan made arrangements for some of us from the class Share Jesus without Fear to go out with the folks from the Current and what a blessing it was for me. I will admit I do have a fear of sharing, not because I don't love Jesus but it is just my personality. So today all day I prayed Lord you know how I am so please help me conquer my fear and let me share what you want me to share tonight, maybe just plant the seed. Bill and I was fortunate to go with Steve Moore's group and we had a great time sharing. Steve Moore is an awesome witness for God and from what I could tell tonight had no fear of sharing the good news. I feel like I took a baby step tonight conquering my fear but I am going to try more and more to let the Holy Spirit work through me so that I can feel the blessing I felt tonight. God put a 12 year girl in my path tonight named Haley who I could tell loves the Lord but doesn't have the means to get to church as easily as most of us do. Please pray for Haley she has gone through two brain surgeries and will be going to Little Rock in May for more testing.

    For the next class... if you get the chance to go with the group from the Current don't miss it.

    Thanks Pastor Ryan and Tyffany for being servants of the Lord.

