Thursday, August 2, 2012

Week #3 "Flee Baby Flee!"

Hey everybody! Great class last night, there were 80 of ya'll! We are so glad that you have chosen to be part of our class and grow with us as we go through these guardrails for our life. 

This weeks topic was, "Flee Baby Flee!" The primary focus for this class was guarding yourself from sexual immorality, based on this scripture, 

"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins people commit are outside their bodies, but those who sin sexually sin against their own bodies."
-1 Corinthians 6:18

This is something every husband wants his wife to do. Every wife wants her husband to do. Every engaged individual hopes his or her fiancĂ© will do. Parents hope their kids will do. Employers hope their employees will do. But few of us embrace this for ourselves. We flirt . . . we don’t flee. This is the area more than any other that culture baits us to the edge of and then mocks us when we step over.

The Apostle Paul gives us some great advice in the following verses about fleeing...

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? 19 You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. [In this case, Sexually]
-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Here are the guardrails that we discussed last night:
Guardrails for Married People:
1. Don’t travel alone with members of the opposite sex. If you have to, tell your spouse. 

2. Don’t eat alone with members of the opposite sex.
If you have to, tell your spouse. 

3. Don’t hire cute members of the opposite sex because you want to help them. (In other words, don't set yourself up for disaster by hiring someone because you like the way they look...)

4. Don’t confide in or counsel members of the opposite sex. Get them help. Don’t be their help. “But he needs me!” No. He needs help. He doesn’t need YOU. Conversely, if you need to a member of the opposite sex, ESPECIALLY when the problems relate to marriage.

5. When you feel your heart or your desire drifting toward a specific person, tell someone. 
(You need a mentor or a close friend who values what you value to confide in and seek counsel from)

Guardrails for Single People:

1. Gouge out your eyes with a spoon. (ok, just kidding)
2. Apply the married people’s guidelines in your relationships with married people.

3. No sleepovers with members of the opposite sex.

Make sure that you make it to next week's class, "The Consumption Assumption." This class will be all about finances; 

"Contrary to popular opinion, God does not want something from you, he wants something for you. And nowhere is that more true than with your finances. Then why are we so insistent on separating our faith and our finances? What kinds of guardrails need to go up in order to protect us from financial disaster? "

If you are a Facebooker, make sure you join the Guardrails Facebook group HERE! Also send your friends to our class page HERE!

Make sure you leave your questions and comments by clicking HERE

1 comment:

  1. Great class discussion! I think another guardrail that could be added to the list for married couple is to always wear your wedding ring (understanding there are some who work construction jobs, etc. and cannot necessarily wear them on the job for safety reasons but should wear it as often!)

