Wednesday, October 17, 2012


In the past few weeks we've talked about the 5 Basic Truths of Spiritual Warfare, guerrilla warfare, "The Belt of  Truth", "The Breastplate of Righteousness", Shodding our feet up with "the Gospel of Peace" and a lot more!

Last week we talked about 4 Facts Concerning Spiritual Warfare that you must know, here they are!:

a.   Fact #1 - God has objectively defeated Satan and his agenda. He has delivered us from sin’s penalty and power and ultimately will deliver us from sin’s very presence. In the interim, we are involved in a guerilla warfare with demonic forces.

b.   Fact #2 - As believers, we have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light with all the rights, privileges, and position that being a child of God entails. 
c.Fact #3 - The spiritual battle we fight involves a responsibility on our part to “put on” the spiritual protection that God has provided for us. We can and will resist the enemy’s attempts to “deceive,” “accuse,” and “cast doubt” when we stand firm against him by: 
1.   Being honest with God, ourselves and others as a prerequisite to all spiritual battle
2.   Responding to the truth that God shows us about his will for our lives – righteous living
3.   Clearly understanding and readily sharing the gospel message of grace.

d.   Fact #4 - The great majority of spiritual warfare need never go beyond the regular practice of living out our position in Christ by faith. Our practice of Paul’s metaphor of the spiritual armor protects us from Satan’s ongoing attempts to break our fellowship with Jesus and, as a result, greatly minimizes any impact by the enemy.

1. During Spiritual Growth
2. When we are Invading the Enemy's Territory (Evangelism)
3. When we are Exposing the Enemy
4. When we are Breaking Away from the World
5. When Blessings are on the Horizon

To finish up last week we talked about the "Shield of Faith" which is a piece of armor used to deflect the fiery arrows of the devil. These arrows represent the schemes, temptations, lies, deceptions, and attacks aimed at us Christians, designed to get us off track and to reject God.

The Shield of Faith is awesome, the word Faith = our “absolute confidence” in God, His promises, His power, and His program for our lives. 

Don't miss tonight's class we are going to be talking about "the Helmet of Salvation", and the ultimate piece of our spiritual armor..."the Sword of the Spirit!" 
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