Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Get Ready for Spiritual Warfare 301!

This past week we talked about how important it is to put on the Breastplate of righteousness and how to shod our feet with the foundation that comes from the gospel of Peace.

Here the word “Righteousness” = Uprightness, right living, integrity in one’s lifestyle and character – conforming of our will with God’s will.

Although rooted in the object righteousness that we already possess in our standing before God through the work of Christ, this breastplate of righteousness (that guards and protects our heart) is the practical application of the truth to our lives – i.e. Lordship of Christ.
The Breastplate of Righteousness is essential when we have been honest with God, we have accepted His “Will” (belt of truth) and then put it to use.

We learned two examples from the Bible where individuals rebelled or rejected God's will in their lives, which in turn opened them up for demonic activity. Read them for yourselves:
NT - Matthew 16 - Peter forbidding Jesus to suffer on the Cross
OT - 1 Samuel 13 - Saul decides he will do what he wants instead of what God wants.

Scriptural Application: “Therefore to the one who knows what is right to do and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin.” James 4:17 

Where in your life has God revealed his truth to you and you are not currently following it? Is it because you are rejecting it or is it because you are deceived? 

Having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace

Roman sandals were strapped up to the knee and tightly fastened to the soldier’s leg. The soles had knobs and sometimes nails or spikes sticking out from the bottom. Something along the lines of cleats or spikes used in sports today.This gave the soldiers a firm foundation which didn't allow them to be moved very easily.

“Preparation” = Establishment – the means of a firm foundation; also conveys the idea of readiness to share the Gospel which brings peace between man and God. 
This conveys 2 ideas - Knowing the gospel inside and out Being ready to share it 

When we are grounded in God and Christ and ready to share that mercy we are on solid ground 
This brings peace on 2 fronts: 
1. In our hearts 
2. Between God and people who need him. 

This week we are starting Spiritual Warfare 301:
How to do Battle with the Enemy and WIN!

We will be covering a wide range of topics, but most importantly we will be learning when and how we are to engage the enemy in actual combat!

I look forward to seeing each of you in class this week!

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