Wednesday, May 19, 2021

It starts with obedience...

Doing great things for God in our life starts with obedience...I was reading in 1 Kings this morning about God telling Elijah to hide himself by the brook Cherith, and that he would be provided for with water and food etc. 

Elijah does “according to the word of the Lord” 
Then the brook runs dry, God sends him to a widow, miracles happen, then the widows son falls ill and dies, Elijah brings the son back to life! Elijah is told to confront leaders, do this, go here, say this etc....
 All ultimately leading up to Elijah calling fire down from Heaven PROVING who is God. These some 800-1000 false prophets are defeated, their god is proven to be a fake and they end up being slaughtered ðŸ˜µ 

 Elijah is known for a lot, but for me this one stands out in a big way...but it all started with obedience, God told him to leave where he was (in a drought) and go to a brook to be provided for (in a unique and spectacular way). This request did not make sense, were birds really going to bring him food??? But Elijah was obedient and God used him in a mighty way! Not just in this instance, but many others, long after Elijah has been called up to heave, his legacy lived on, as the dead bones of his prodigy, Elisha, raised a man from the dead (after the bones had been in the grave for a year)! 

If we want to do great things for God, it starts with obedience, honestly, if we want to do ANYTHING right with begins with obedience.


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