Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Learning an effective, simple and foolproof way to Witness!

I know that when you hear or read the words simple and foolproof the automatic assumption is scam or strings attached or something to that effect...something along the line of a AS SEEN ON TV device commercial with a tag line of 9 simple payments of $33.33 plus $29.99 in shipping or buy 4 dvds for $5.00 a piece! and you are locked in to buy 4 DVDs for $29.99 a month for the next 12 months, but when it comes to witnessing there really is an easy way to witness effectively without offending people...or as we saw in the video 2 weeks ago, you can witness without the Quarterback coach in your ear. 

I'm excited about this stage in our class where we are actually learning new and exciting techniques to witness to individuals. It is stuff you can use starting NOW to improve your witness or have a greater impact on those you are already witnessing to. Be thinking about those people whose names your wrote down last week. These are the people you are learning for. Most importantly we are wanting to become better witnesses for Christ, and we want to witness to those we know and love as well as those who God puts in our path on a daily basis!

I look forward to seeing you in class tonight, if you haven't gotten the member book yet, I strongly encourage you to, it is a great resource for you to always have. Also I suggest you do your best not to miss any of the next couple of weeks as this is some of the very best content with regards to witnessing I have ever seen. I'm not saying this because I am teaching the class but because of what I have learned from teaching it in the pass. 

If you have a facebook account please feel free to visit and join our facebook group HERE! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points. The 3 class members with the highest point totals at the end of the next 8 weeks will receive a free set of witnessing tools and materials!

If you want to comment on the blog to earn your bonus points you can click right HERE, make sure to sign your name in your comment!

Make sure you visit our 2 main websites: & to stay up to date with whats going on at the church and WednesdaysOnPurpose!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week #3, Get Ready to SHARE!

As we start this third week of WednesdaysOnPurpose, I'm so very grateful to have you all in Share Jesus Without Fear. This week we will start into our DVDs with lessons and experiences from those who have used the same techniques you are about to learn.

I'm extremely excited for us to talk about this week's topic which is "The Sin of Silence", Author and Evangelist Bill Fay will explain to us in great detail how we sin by being silent, and how we cannot fail in witnessing as long as we lean on God and trust in Him to accomplish the work in those we are witnessing to!

Remember to have the names of those you want to be praying for to get saved ready, we are going to write those names down and pray over them each week. We are going to believe on these individuals having opportunities to be witnessed to. We are also going to pray that God gives us opportunities to witness to them as well as many other people.

I don't want to say any more about this week's class and give it all away, but you just can't miss out! Hope to see you there!

If you have a facebook account please feel free to visit and join our facebook group HERE! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points. The 3 class members with the highest point totals at the end of the next 8 weeks will receive a free set of witnessing tools and materials!

Make sure you visit our 2 main websites: & to stay up to date with whats going on at the church and WednesdaysOnPurpose!

To comment on the blog click HERE! Sign your name on your comment to earn points!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Praying for opportunities...

One of the big parts of this class is prayer. We will be praying for people who are lost and don't know Christ, we will be praying for each other to be bold and confident in Christ, and we will be praying for Godly ordained opportunities to Share our faith in Jesus Christ with other people.

As we start praying these prayers we will find God dropping opportunities in our lap every day. Our job is to be ready and prepared to do what God has called us to! 2 Timothy 4:2, "Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction." What does it mean to be prepared in and out of season? Is their a "Witnessing" season...hopefully its between hunting season and baseball season right? ....

To answer your first there isn't a witnessing season...and yes there is a witnessing there isn't a season when we shouldn't be witnessing...yes there is a season year round we should always be willing to witness. Essentially 2 Tim 4:2 says that we should always be prepared to Share Jesus Without Fear.

Ok so your second question is, "How do we stay prepared?" Very good question, let's turn to the good book for that answer. 2 Timothy 4:5, "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." and also in James 5:16 the Bible tells us that, "...the prayer of the Righteous one is Powerful and Effective" in the King James it says the Effectual and Fervent Prayer of the Righteous one Availeth Much! So what does all that mean? It means that we have to cover our ministry in prayer! These are serious and righteous prayers!

How do we pray righteous? We pray like Jesus did, we pray for the right kinds of things, we pray for opportunities to minister, we pray that those we minister to will be open to God's word, we pray that God will use us and that He will be glorified, not us. 

Be in deep prayer for roughly the next 2 months as we go through this class that God will grow you and give you awesome opportunities to Share your faith with others! 

If you have a facebook account please feel free to visit and join our facebook group HERE! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points. The 3 class members with the highest point totals at the end of the next 8 weeks will receive a free set of witnessing tools and materials!

Make sure you visit our 2 main websites: & to stay up to date with whats going on at the church and WednesdaysOnPurpose!

To comment on the blog click HERE! Sign your name on your comment to earn points!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week #1 of Share Jesus Without Fear

I'm very excited to start the first week of Share Jesus Without Fear with a new group! The last time around I felt we had a great class! I learned a lot, I feel like the class grew a lot, and we had a great experience taking part in an outreach with the Current!

I'm really looking forward to getting to know this group. One thing that was awesome last time around was each of us learning about the individuals in our lives we are currently witnessing to, or wishing we could witness to. Then as the weeks passed us by we shared testimonies of how God had allowed us to witness or opened doors for new opportunities for us to witness!

If you have a facebook account please feel free to visit and join our facebook group HERE! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points. The 3 class members with the highest point totals at the end of the next 8 weeks will receive a free set of witnessing tools and materials!

Make sure you visit our 2 main websites: & to stay up to date with whats going on at the church and WednesdaysOnPurpose!

I look forward to getting to know each of you as we grow through these next 8 weeks! If you have any questions or comments please comment below or email me at
