Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week #3, Get Ready to SHARE!

As we start this third week of WednesdaysOnPurpose, I'm so very grateful to have you all in Share Jesus Without Fear. This week we will start into our DVDs with lessons and experiences from those who have used the same techniques you are about to learn.

I'm extremely excited for us to talk about this week's topic which is "The Sin of Silence", Author and Evangelist Bill Fay will explain to us in great detail how we sin by being silent, and how we cannot fail in witnessing as long as we lean on God and trust in Him to accomplish the work in those we are witnessing to!

Remember to have the names of those you want to be praying for to get saved ready, we are going to write those names down and pray over them each week. We are going to believe on these individuals having opportunities to be witnessed to. We are also going to pray that God gives us opportunities to witness to them as well as many other people.

I don't want to say any more about this week's class and give it all away, but you just can't miss out! Hope to see you there!

If you have a facebook account please feel free to visit and join our facebook group HERE! If you take a picture of your WednesdaysOnPurpose Yard sign and either bring the picture to class or post it in our Facebook group I will give you an extra 5,000 class points. The 3 class members with the highest point totals at the end of the next 8 weeks will receive a free set of witnessing tools and materials!

Make sure you visit our 2 main websites: www.WednesdaysonPurpose.com & www.ButterfieldAG.com to stay up to date with whats going on at the church and WednesdaysOnPurpose!

To comment on the blog click HERE! Sign your name on your comment to earn points!


  1. We enjoyed the last two weeks of "Share Jesus With Out Fear" and looking forward to the third week tomorrow night.
    Dorothy & Jim Vinsant

  2. Ready for tomorrow night! Have a renewed passion to see a friend find Jesus--been praying nearly 10 years. Need new ideas for next time I get to visit with her!

  3. This past weekend I visited family in Tulsa. They are not the same denomination as we are and one person regularly condemns me because he feels I am completely out of the will of God because they believe women should be silent in church. It's hard to just sit there not defending myself, but that's what I have to do. I'm looking forward to hearing others share there experiences that may help me overcome this....situation.
    Christina Seaton

  4. I have really enjoyed your classes the psst 3 weeks you do a great job R&R
